Mum's the Word

Often candid, frill-free and straight to the point, mums can give the best + the most brutal advice! Here’s a roundup of the top beauty tips passed down from our mums + mother figures... 


‘Protect your skin - sun cream is cheaper than Botox!’ 


‘Don’t pick your spots or you’ll end up with scars...’ 


‘My nan and mam both swear by Omega fish oil alongside a glass of Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne pepper Turmeric, Vit C and warm water every morning. They used just water on the face, but their internal concoction makes up for it!’ 


‘Only thing I remember was my Mum putting natural yoghurt on my back after a very bad sunburn. Santa (my Mum) did buy me my first cleanser though, and I can still remember the pink tube and the scent!’ 


‘My mam swore by washing her face with warm water before bed each night. She is 86 now and still looks amazing!’ 


‘My mammy brought me my first facial at 13! She used to bring me across the border (when it was a border) to get skincare in Boots (before boots was in ROI).’ 


‘Cleanse, moisturise and SPF as your face has to last a lifetime!’ 


On any sign of reluctance to spend money on my face, ‘but it’s your skin – it's always with you!’  


‘Take your makeup off before bed or you’ll wake up with wrinkles! - Not strictly true but sleeping in makeup does cause congestion and can lead to skin irritation, so still great advice!’  


‘Saturday evenings were for a face mask and nail-painting – she was well ahead of her self-care game!’ 


‘Mine always kept teaspoons in the fridge to place under her eyes first thing. The cooling sensation helps reduce puffiness and is so relaxing!’ 


What’s the best advice you have been given? Let us know in the comments!


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